
Skin Brushing (See accompanying article.)

Oil Pulling (See accompanying article.)

Bentonite Clay Body or Foot Bath - For more information and a couple of informative videos go to: Truly Heal Bentonite Clay Detox, does it really work?

Epsom Salt Body Bath or Foot Bath - So relaxing. Add lavender if you like.

Fasting - There is so much to say here.  Although most people's initial reaction is, "no way", fasting can be done in many ways and has many benefits.  

Fibers / Greens / Green Juices - Fiber keeps things moving.  Constipation is not just uncomfortable and annoying, but slow transit time allows toxins, that are supposed to be eliminated, to be reabsorbed.  Greens and green juices also help by adding nutrients.

Water - It reduces constipation and also helps the kidneys and skin, through sweating, eliminate toxins.

Sweating / Infrared Sauna - Find a way to sweat either by exercising or by taking a sauna, optimally do both.
Ask me for nearby sauna locations.

Colonics / Enemas / Liver Flush - These are more hard core, but so beneficial!  These three super detoxifiers can be done in the privacy of your own home after purchasing a little bit of equipment. You may initially want to try working with a professional colon hydro-therapist to get familiar with the process.

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