Skin Brushing

I am always on the lookout for beneficial practices to help detoxify. Skin brushing has been around for a long time and has no negative side effects. Skin brushing is said to stimulate your lymph system.
The lymph system is one of the body’s sewer systems for ridding us of waste. Lymph vessels do not have musculature, but consist of tubes with catches or nodes. When our muscles are at work, lymph fluid is pushed up, against gravity, to be eliminated. Skin brushing is an alternate method to encourage the uphill flow of this fluid for the purpose of removal. A great time to skin brush is right before a shower. In addition to detoxification, other benefits of skin brushing include exfoliation, increased circulation and possibly reduced cellulite.
Get a stiff natural bristle brush with a handle (for hard to reach places) or a loofah sponge. Brush your skin gently, starting with your feet and working up. Each light stroke should be towards your heart. You can spend a couple of minutes each day doing this or longer if you like it. Try it. It feels good. I like the back scratch it gives me. It also feels good on my palms. Although I am not certain, it appears to be helping a scar I have, resolve.
Check out the following websites for further information:


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