By purchasing this service you agree to the terms and conditions outlined below.
Thank you for joining us for Homeopathy For Colds Flu & First Aid.
You will be learning the basics of homeopathy and how to treat yourself, your loved ones and your pets with safe, effective homeopathic remedies.
We will be meeting six times, on Thursdays, January 16th through February 20th, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM EST.
Your participation, during the class and between classes, is greatly encouraged. The more you put into this, the more you will get out of it.
We will be meeting on Zoom. You will get reminders one day and one hour before each class.
Please respect other participants by honoring their confidentiality. I will be recording these meetings for the benefit of participants only. If you miss a class you will be able to make it up by watching the recording.
Early bird pricing is $167 through Saturday, January 11th. The cost after that is $197.
Required: "Homeopathic Self-Care, The Quick & Easy Guide For The Whole Family", by Robert Ullman, ND & Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND. Please order it today. A used copy is fine.
If, by January 22nd you decide the class is not for you, I will give you a full refund. There will be no refunds after January 22nd.
Your purchase of this service indicates your agreement to the terms outlined above.